Wooden Pallet Gölcük

Wooden Pallet Gölcük

Wooden pallets are products whose basic material is timber, produced in various sizes and dimensions. These products are used in areas such as logistics and maritime transport to make transportation and storage easier. Apart from this usage purpose, it is preferred for the transportation of large quantities of products in normal transportation and storage. Wooden pallets are often used in all areas, as they are very easy to use in terms of loading and transporting.

Advantages of Using Wooden Pallets

When it comes to pallets, we come across many options as models produced from plastic, wood, metal or a mixture of these products. The advantages of choosing wooden pallets among these pallet types;

  1. Wooden pallets are much safer. It is not affected much by sun, rain and wind. In this case, it prevents the products on it from being affected.
  2. It is more difficult to fix products on the surface of other types of pallets. Wooden pallets offer moderate friction, making fastening much easier.
  3. Wooden pallets are much safer. It does not harm itself during its transportation and placement, and it does not harm its surroundings.
  4. You can use wooden pallets over and over again. They are products that can be used for many years due to their durable structure.

Wooden Pallet Standards

As Gölcük pallet company, we ensure that our wooden pallets are the most suitable pallets for the standards. The timber we use in our wooden pallets;

  1. We ensure that the density is between 350 kg/m3 and 650 kg/m3.
  2. We use humidity between 15% and 20%.
  3. We make sure it is the right size.
  4. We ensure that it is completely undamaged and suitable for production.

Apart from these, we use slotted and specially threaded nails to ensure the jointing process is safe. Thus, we ensure the production of extremely safe and useful pallets from start to finish.

Wooden Crates and Types

Wooden crates are another type of wooden product preferred in storage and transportation. Wooden crate models, which are generally produced with timber with the same properties as pallets, are preferred for transporting different products from pallets.

The types of cages and closed boxes available in our company are designed according to your intended use. The main purpose of these crates, which are produced in the dimensions and sizes you want, is to prevent your products from being damaged from the outside. It is suitable for transporting and storing sensitive or small products.

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