Wooden Pallet Izmit

Wooden Pallet Izmit

Wooden pallet models are often used in transportation because they are repairable and can be used for a long time. These pallets, which can be produced in desired sizes, can be easily transported and stored. It enables the products you want to transport to be transported from one area to another without the need for manpower. These products, which are extremely easy to use, provide benefits in every field.

How Are Wooden Pallets Used?

Wooden pallets are very simple to use. It can be used by following a few steps. First of all, pallets must be placed on a flat surface. It will not be safe to load as the pallet cannot lie flat on an uneven ground. The product to be loaded later on should be placed carefully.

You do not have to place only one product on wooden pallets at a time. If your product structure is suitable, you can upload as many as you want. However, what you need to pay attention to here is that the loading should be done regularly and not toppling over. Then fix the product on the pallet.

With a forklift or pallet fork, you can safely take your products to where you want to move them. If you wish, you can remove your pallets after placement and reuse them.

How Are Wooden Pallets Produced?

There are processes and sequencing to be considered while producing pallets. Although it looks easy from the outside, there are standards for these pallets to carry the desired load. While performing production in our İzmit pallet company;

  • First of all, we perform the necessary density and moisture tests of the timbers from which the pallets will be produced. We move on to the cutting phase of the timbers that meet the criteria.

  • While cutting the timbers, we take care not to damage them. If there is any damaged timber, we do not consider it suitable for use by sifting it.

  • We perform the joining process with suitable nails. After this process, your pallets are ready for use.

What are the Advantages of Using Wooden Crates?

Wooden crate has different features than wooden pallets. In particular, placing products inside, not on, offers different advantages to its users.

  • It is an ideal product for carrying heavy loads. You can carry tons of weight together.

  • It can be adjusted to the desired size. Therefore, it has extremely flexible options.

  • It can be arranged with thin or thick boards. This allows you to save space.

  • Wooden crates can be transported by both forklifts and cranes.
  • You can use it over and over again. You don't need to buy a new crate for every move. 
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